PERSONAL WORK (full exercice)
Little project done for the District 10 Challenge lauched by Wizix on his Discord. It’s based on the great Edward Denton’s model done for the movie District 9.
I was looking for an exercise to train my newly learnt Hard Sculpting skills. Initially, I wanted to fully sculpt a piece, not too hard, but not too easy either, entirely in zBrush. At the end, I had to admit that I’m not comfortable enough yet to do a fully finished model in zBrush, but I think that it’s not too bad for a first try. Just for your information, I did the sculpt “by eye”, I didn’t measure anything, so it’s normal if the model is not “perfectly aligned” with the reference.
Then I took the sculpt into Maya to do the retopo, correct some mistakes and add some pieces. After doing the UV’s, I did the texturing in Substance Painter, bring back everything into Arnold and finished the image with some compositing in Nuke. The background I’m using is the HDRI itself, and to give a more “District 9” look, I added some elements in post.
I hope you’re going to like it 🙂
Modeling : Zbrush, Maya
Texturing : Substance Painter
Shading, Lighting, Rendering : Arnold
Compositing : Nuke